Play more.

We got a puppy and that puppy is reminding us about the importance of play in everyday life. Having a perfectly organized life, on a training schedule for potty training, leash training, regular mealtimes and sleep-times with a puppy will never be possible without the interjection of a great deal of play-fun. Young dogs need play in order to be happy. Owner/dog moments of chasing each other around the yard, throwing the ball. You know. The stuff that all young children and animals do to develop their muscles and their sense of humor and fairness. Being an adult all the time is not fun. A younger friend like a puppy can help to remind your innate sense of fun to be part of everyday life again.

I was just reading Ben Schapiro’s piece about censorship on the He was saying that there are a number of international organizations and corporations censoring your news access and oppressing alternative sources that differ with a preferred narrative. Fooey on them. Beat back the bad-no-fun-life that those censors have in mind for you. Find your own quality in life by censoring the censors. Ignore all sound bites that explain nothing. Do your own research on news topics that affect you and play with information by asking questions that are reasonable and spontaneous. Inject play into everyday and into information related questions. Our new dog is constantly relating to us by disrupting whatever our plan is and instituting a different game that he makes up instantly. Spontaneous fun is joyful.

By far what is so noticable about today’s censorship and political dirty tricks is the focused boycott of fun. No one will get a happy life by going along with the WEF, the UN, or global collectivists. They mean to ruin fun forever. Schapiro specifically mentions the WFA the World Federation of Advertisers, as a group undermining writers and creators who don’t push the global oppressor’s messaging. I’ve noticed many works of fiction only get published when they put in whatever social engineering messaging is being pushed at the moment to influence the choices we make everyday. What if it’s bad messaging?

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Of all the times I’ve faced in my life, this time that we are living in now calls to us to choose a better kind of life that is filled with honesty, trust, faithfulness, fun, appreciation and that doesn’t spin our energies into vacuous entertainments that will not deliver happiness. Choose well. Have fun. Play.