Welcome the real.

One of the things that I loved about the 1970’s was people’s willingness to hire anyone who wanted to work. There wasn’t a lot of exclusion for political reasons in the 1970’s. True, you couldn’t talk about your politics on the job. You had to conform to a proper appearance. But you could work and make contributions at work.

Jobs were more stable and the economy was struggling under inflation but people worked. Any body who showed up looking for work would be asked can you do this? Can you do that? Great…you’re hired. There were a lot of jobs that didn’t pay well. But working allowed people to earn a little and move forward in the hope of better times ahead. In the economy new opportunities were coming around all the time. If you wanted to try something new, you could find something that was fresh and new and happening. Because newcomers who wanted to contribute were always welcome.

That is part of what’s missing in today’s economy….there are far too many disqualifications. Everyone isn’t welcome in the 21st century economy. The cancel economy is a failed economy. I can only wonder if turning toward a certain model of politics on the job and turning away from what people can do is all about turning off the economy of the real. But having reality in the economy by letting people make their effort to contribute is what a real economy is. Not just a certain kind of person with a certain kind of attitude, but anyone who wants to work.

If a government subsidy pays to have robots or AI take the jobs away from people by paying robot and AI makers to make more robots and more AI, that isn’t a profitable system. Governments don’t really get to choose economic winners by a process of excluding everyone else who then becomes a designated loser. You can threaten the real economy but you can’t really stop it.

People have contributions to make and those are real. Robots and AI are fake and government money that was stolen from workers and used as a subsidy to offset the extra cost of robots and AI in the hope of creating and controlling a less vibrant economy does not produce an economy that has staying power. You can’t stop the real.

When Mr. Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, that was fake. Look at today’s politics and you can see that Mr. Biden isn’t really acting like he’s the President. He doesn’t act real. That’s why those acting behind him imagine that they are in control, they think they have turned off the real. But have they really achieved that?

Look at the Trump trials that continue to prove that you can’t turn off the real. No one is fooled forever. Real has a lot of power.

Buy a copy of Political Catsup with Economy Fries: Liberalism, Pragmatism, Opportunism. It’s available at Amazon.com.


Yesterday, I did some more research into AI and it looks like ChatGPT is using neural nets instead of coding to generate the appearance of artificial intelligence. I found this great article to read: https://www.flexos.work/learn/ai-in-the-workplace-how-to-use-ai-for-work-2024, AI in the Workplace: How to use AI for work: Comprehensive 2024 Guide, at FlexOs by Daan van Rossum. This article says that you can use ChatGPT to do searches that can save worktime for higher function activities that require reasoning. Chat GPT is only about a year old and already has a lot of users.

Another Addendum:

As university graduations are happening at this time of year, I’ve enjoyed two commencement speeches that are a repudiation of the idea that things can go on as they have. I read one and listened to the other. The first, I read: “Full Text: Harrison Butker of Kansas City Chiefs Graduation Speech”, at https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine, Register Staff/ Nation, May 16, 2024. I watched the video of the second speech, Jerry Seinfeld’s Duke Commencement, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76QV2SrSqgo. Jerry Seinfeld said that whatever your area of study is, with the world changing so fast that area may not be where you find success in the world. He suggested that you go at life with a sense of humor instead of expecting a certain planned outcome. Harrison Butker turned away from woke ideologies and suggested that traditional values and efforts would lead to a better life outcome. Both speakers moved away from an expectation that modern life’s prescriptions will work as we head into the current economic and political headwinds. They both seemed to acknowledge that a new reality is asserting itself today.